The Rainbowair 500 Series II Ozone Generator is designed to deodorize rooms up to 1500 sq/ft

RainbowAir Activators have been the brand of choice since the late 1980's for hotel owners, apartment managers, restoration companies, auto dealers, detail shops, carpet cleaning companies, dry cleaners, etc, It's easy to see why RainbowAir Activators are asked for by name. Whatever the application, whatever the odor, Rainbowair has the ozone unit you are looking for.
Proven safe and guaranteed 100% effective, RainbowAir Activators can easily rid offensive odors naturally with activated oxygen, guaranteed.
Advantages of using Ozone.
A. Ozone may well be the only deodorizing product useable when the customer suffers from severe chemical sensitivity. Most all products used in deodorization will leave some residue in the air or on surfaces. These residues can produce severe reactions from those people who are highly sensitive to chemicals. Ozone, on the other hand, dissipates completely within a matter of minutes (the crisp smell left in the air is usually attributed to the absence of normal odors) and leaves no lingering residue to upset sensitive persons.
B. Homeowners complain about strong fragrances left by some deodorizing chemicals, ozone may be used to correct that situation within a short period of time.
C. Moisture sensitive surfaces and fabrics that require deodorizing can be treated by ozone {exceptions are elastic and leather). Clothing: Draperies, books, paintings, and unfinished wood can effectively be deodorized using ozone properly.
D. Because ozone gas employs the principle of oxidation, (a chemical reaction) once the odor is gone, the results are permanent.
E. Water infiltration situations, which create odor generated by microorganisms on unfinished wood. In basements, or on interior wall wood, insulation or drywall may be effectively treated using ozone. Ozone can penetrate complex structural surfaces and destroy odor-producing microorganisms at their source. In low concentrations ozone can control the germination of mold and mildew spores while drying takes place. (This procedure should only be used by the cleaning and restoration specialist)
F. Other than the initial investment, there's very little cost involved in operating RainbowAir ozone units. Maintenance involves only a periodic cleaning of metal screens, ceramic insulators, and filter media.
G. Ozone works on a molecular basis. With proper encouragement (air thrust) it can penetrate into small cracks and crevices that may be impenetrable by chemical deodorants
These ozone generators produce very high levels of ozone, they are only to be used in unoccupied rooms!
Ozone generators are not air cleaners, and are not safe to use while the space is occupied.